
发布时间:   浏览: 次  作者: BG

在2006年12月2日早上, 珠海赛车场迎来了一大批非赛车改装之另类摩托车, 香港宝马总代理和香港宝马车主会经过长时间与BG车队协商, 最後决定於2-3/12/06 举行为期2天的宝马车主会驾驶培训及活动, 三十多位宝马车主将自驾爱车,在珠海国际赛车场内进行一连串的活动。BG除负责所有车辆从香港集装运至珠海车场更派出由12人组成的专业赛事服务团队,为香港宝马车主会进行全程支援服务。


        所有最流行的宝马摩托车型号都出现在这次活动中,R1200GS、R1150RT、K1200R、F650CS……直令人目不暇接。经过BG工作人员3天前开始准备。 所有车辆都整齐地一列排在维修站外, 等待车主们光临.


       所有宝马车主於1/12/06 晚上到达珠海,  12月2日的早上, 所有人等乘包车来到珠海国际赛车场,正式开始了为期二天的培训活动,




        九点三十分训练正试开始,首先香港宝马公司负责人Henry於课室内对宝马车主讲解了当日之各项培训项目, 摩托车正确的驾驶姿势,注意事项,然后30车主分成两队,分别进行了“接龙绕桩训练”、“交叉绕桩训练” “8字型绕桩训练”“ 紧急变线”课目。让宝马车主更进一步了解自己的摩托车在各个方面的性能,以便将来在公路街道上能更好的操控自己的爱车。


         下午在John的带领下进行了赛道驾驶,30辆宝马摩托车浩浩荡荡的行驶在珠海国际赛车场,车主们体验赛道驾驶的乐趣,对于绝大部分并非长期驾驶摩托车的香港车主而言,要更进一步体会宝马摩托车的驾驶乐趣,在跑道上驾驶自己的BMW是一个难觅的机会。BG赛车中心更是派出自己的车手黄世钊、何子贤,驾驶宝马K1200R 及 K1200S, 2台跑车以赛车速度试跑,各宝马车主则於9-10号弯道旁草地近距离观察了宝马摩托车亦可达到260 km高速, 迟刹及在弯道极度倾斜及磨膝,这无疑让车主对BMW有了更深刻的了解及肯定

在最後1小时为车主自由试驾赛道, 所有宝马车主都蜂涌地不停跑, BG领队Steven亦披上战衣於赛道上带领部份对赛道未熟悉的车手..


        欢乐的时光总是短暂的,训练结束后每个人的脸上都露出了灿烂的笑容。认为这次培训活动对他们收益极大, 令他们对车辆及驾乘技术有了较正确的认织及领会,

宝马车主会的全体人员极为感谢BG赛车中心对此次活动的的尽心策划及运作,亦希望BG可与宝马摩托销售公司及宝马车主会於2007年再度合作, 组织宝马车主



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BMW Track Day at the ZIC Circuit


For many times in the past years, BG-Performance has been organizing and running numerous track days for Sport bike fans and clubs at the Zhuhai and Shanghai International Circuits.


But on 2/12/06, BG has coordinated and supported a 2 day BMW Motorcycle training course and track day organized by BMW Motorcycle Hong Kong and the BMW Owners’ Club at the Zhuhai Circuit.


Over 30 units of BMW’s latest Motorcycles and a few non-BMW bike belong to members of the BMWMCHK was gathered at the BMW workshop in Hong Kong and packed into 2 x 40’ containers and arrived at the Zhuhai Circuit on 30/11/06.


The entourage arrived at Zhuhai on the evening of 1/12/06 and everyone was excited about the big day tomorrow.


Day 1 :

The Group arrived at the Zhuhai Circuit on 2/12/06 Sat morning before 9.00 am and

Everyone got changed and were ready for the Class room sessions run by Henry of BMW HK and John Congdon, The riders were being taken out to the Circuit for a

Few sighting laps and then onto the main straight where all the obstruction course cones were set up the night before.

Riders were taken through the courses with different maneuvering sectors such as

Figure 8, shalom runs and balancing acts.


The advance riding sessions lasted till 4.00pm in the afternoon, then BG’s 2 Top Pro riders Huang Shi Zhao and HE Zi Xian each on BMW’s latest K1200R, K1200S was out on the track demonstrating how track friend BMW bikes can be if its I nthe right hands, all the BMW riders gathered at the famous fish hook Turn 9 and 10 of the Circuit watching the 2 riders flying past with incredible speed, late braking and dragging their knees.


The last hour was for all riders to take to the Circuit on their own so they can ride to their heart’s delight.

BG boss Steven, on a extremely rare occasion, don on his leathers and were out there taking the lead in front of various new riders who has problems in finding the right lines and fast riding speed.

Everyone were totally exhaust by the end of the day but having some of the greatest fun they ever had.

The day ended with a dinner party held at the famous Cohiba Club in the Gongbei Bar street and everyone was in high spirits and sworn they’ll come back for more in 2007.


Sunday was for some of the die hard BMW members to have some 4 wheels fun by running Go Karts at the ZIC go kart track.


It was discussed that in 2007, BG being the Motorcycle operator of the Shanghai F1 Circuit, will start organizing the BMW Owners Club for a Track day at the World’s most advance, state of the Art  Shanghai International Circuit.


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