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BG-SBK Riders took all Top Honors at the Shanghai Tianma Racing Festival Round 2

The Shanghai Tianma Racing Festival Round 2 was held at the 28-30/8/08 weekend, this is one of the earliest race events after the non-activities of the 2 1/2 months before and during the China Beijing Olympics, so ALL riders were all excited after such a long lapse.

The Tianma Motorcycle Races is divided into 3 categories with:
1) Shanghai Tianma SBK Race.
2) China Honda 1 made CBF150 Fight Hawk Race
3) Open Scooter race

1) 超级摩托车组
2) 本田CBF150战鹰单一品牌赛
3) 无限改装踏板组

The Super Bike race was again divided into

i) 250cc  2/strokes Class.
ii) 600-1000 cc Open SBK Class
i) 250cc  2冲摩托车组
ii) 600-1000 cc 无限改装超级摩托车组

Maybe due to the long lapse of the Olympics, there was a recorded entry of close to 70 bikes for all the 3 classes, making this the most hotly contested event in the Whole Racing Festival weekend.

BG entered our 2 young Pro riders with their CSBK (China Super bike Championship) HRC Honda CBR600RR, it was pre-agreed with the Race Organizer that our 2 Pro riders only entered the race with the purpose of warming up for the coming CSBK race in Zhuhai, so the BG dynamic Duo will not be awarded any points or trophies as the Tianma Race is still classified as a Shanghai region club event instead of a National Championship.


BG Team was further represented by our Shanghai race members: Jonathan Dickenson, Steve Laplume and Wang.
    BG车队亦有BG上海赛车会员参赛:乔纳森-迪肯森,史蒂夫-Laplume 和王九州。


A semi WET Qualifying in Sat saw BG’s Youngest Aqua friendly rider Du Bang taking the Pole and his team mate Chen Xiao Lei in 2nd, Wang surprises everyone by filling up the last (4th) place at the 1st Row of the Grid making it a 3 out of 4 place of the front row for BG.

At the Sunday Race, Du Bang made a textbook start and was way in the front while Chen blotched his start a bit and have to battle through the front 4 runners coming into the 1st corner, this has given Du Bang the needed advantage and not wanting to get tangle up with Chen, Dubang immediately took off and was already leading Chen with a 2.5 sec at the end of the 1st lap.

While all eyes at the Circuit was on Du and Chen, it suddenly dawn on all BG staffs that Jonathan was having a great start and was not far behind the front duo for the 1st 2-3 laps, Jonathan was having a ride of his life time and he was getting very comfortable with his new Kawaski ZX6R as the bike suited the small Tianma Circuit much better then his regular 1000cc Bikes.
    当现场所有人都把注意力放在杜邦和陈晓磊身上时,乔纳森却出乎所有BG人员的意料,不但做出一个完美的发车,并在前2-3圈保持与前面2个头车手的近差距。与乔纳森平日使用的1000cc赛车相比,BG的川崎ZX636R 的赛车更适合在天马山的较短赛道上驾驶,以致乔纳森有如此出色的表现。

The race ended with Dubang taking the checkered flag by a big margin while Chen seeing that he can’t catch up due to he was blocked by slow traffics, was entertaining the Crowd with perfect wheelies on most of the straights on the track, this has bring thunderous applause from all corners and he finished the race in
Jonathan crossed the line in 3rd, but due to the BG 2 Pro riders were not credited with the win, so Jonathan end up being the OVERALL Winner of the Race and making it a perfect weekend for him and BG team.

Before and after the SBK Race, BG has arranged for BG’s 2 Young Pro riders to do autograph sessions in front of the Honda and BG Pits, the riders and their CBR600RR Super bikes were swamped by hundreds of Racing fans and hundreds of autographed Poster were distributed making it a perfect weekend for Honda promoting their CBFs.


The Tianma Weekend was a great success, estimated of over 7000 Spectators and fans came to the Sat race day, the square behind the Pit Bldgs were packed with booths and pavilions erected by many Motorsport, food and beverages and other companies and brands making this a true carnival in the Shanghai region.

The Tianma Races were gaining strength as each race goes by; the level of racing has improved tremendously since the inception of the 1st Tianma Racing Festival in 2007.
BG will be working on more promotions among all the China Young riders and Expats that live around the Shanghai region, we’ll be running more frequent SBK Training Courses so that more riders will join the races in the future.

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