Another Sizzling Hot event at the 2nd Round Chengdu Racing F

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The Super HOT Guangdong International Circuit’s July Racing Festival


本田技研工业(中国)投资有限公司与其合资工厂“新大洲本田”在过去4年来,已极为成功地和BG在全国多个赛车场合作组办了每年多场的本田CBF150全国专业培训和活动, 所以当本田希望将他们一向在上海天马赛场举办的CBF150单一品牌系列赛事扩张到其他更具潜力的地区后,向BG委以重任组织此场比赛, 而成都作为中国内陆西南区域的中心城市,是此次摩托车赛事的极为关键的场地。






周日天气终于放晴,但是白天气温却升到让人透不了气的39度高温,  周日共有11场不同的赛事:中国摩协赛事有 : 改装150组、150原厂组、比亚乔踏板125组、公开踏板组、公开250组,还有汽车的1600cc A/B组, 2700cc A/ B组、公开超级组,一整天都被这么多赛事排得满满的 ,要直到傍晚6点半后才结束,这实在是极为漫长的一天!

本田CBF150cc 统一赛在此次举办中大获成功,由于有大量的车手都想参加而赛车数量有限,所以有幸参加的人都完的极为尽兴,很多人都希望BG和本田以后多点组织这种赛事 !

周日,BG Steven安排了本田新领导和中国摩协的林主任,张副主任见面和探讨有关Honda、BG和中国摩协未来在中国摩托车年青车手培训,赛事的赞助和合作方向,希望为中国更多年青一代提升到全国及亚太地区的高级赛事水平。BG还安排了本田和中国最大的电视网络媒体:CNTV和中国最大的摩托车网志:摩托吧一同见面和相讨如何联合向大众推广本田和组办更多的赛事和活动。




China Honda Motor company and their JV Factory “Sundiro Honda” has been working with BG for 5 years organizing their National Motorcycle Advance Training and Track days at various Circuits in different parts of China and when China Honda and Sundiro wanted to expand their Shanghai Tianma Circuit based Honda CBF150-One made race series to other important regions in China, BG was given the task to organize the event,  and Chengdu was chosen as being a extremely important region for Motorcycles due to its central South Western location covering a huge region of China’s inland provinces.

 So, at 11-13/7/2014 Chengdu Circuit’s 2nd Round of their South Western Elite Racing Festival, BG has given the SBK slot to Honda China and to operate their CBF150 One made racing event.

The 2nd Round of the Chengdu S.W. Elite racing Festival was also joined by the China Motorcycle Federation’s (CMSA)  China Road Racing Championship (CRRC) consisted of  different classes ofChinamade smaller capacity Motorcycle and scooters from 125 cc up to the latest 250cc class.

Due to this is the 1st Honda’s CBF150 One made Racing series held at a different circuit other than the regular Shanghai Tianma and also with the recently arrived to China  Honda’s New Motorcycle Division chief, Mr. Fujisaki, so everyone at Honda China and Sundiro Honda factory were extremely nervous to ensure the event has to be a success.

Preparation started weeks ahead of the racing weekend and after numerous negotiation and cooperation from the Chengdu Circuit, On Friday, Honda Banners and flags were seen everywhere in and out of the Circuits giving the whole event a very Honda festive atmosphere.

Weather atChengduwas wet from Wed through to Sat morning, so the CBF-150 Qualifying has to be postponed to Sunday morning due to insufficient time to predict the weather and change over to wet tyres. 

Finally Sunday was Dry but the temperature climbed to a sizzling hot 39* during the day, there were 11 different races during the day with CMSA having their 150 open, 150 OE,  Piaggio Scooter,  Scooter open, open 250. Then there were the Auto 1600ccc/A, 1600/B, 2700/A, 2700/B, Open Super Car, so the day was packed till the last race ended after 6.30 pm making this a extremely long day.

The Honda CBF 150 One-made race was a great success and everyone was having a great time and everyone wanted more of these entry level 1 made race events.

On Sunday, BG has arranged brief meetings between Honda’s new chief and the Director and D. Director of CMSA to see how Honda, BG and the Federation can work together in the future to further promote Motorcycle sports from the ground level up to provide trainings and events for China’s young generation so that China can have a bigger and stronger pool of young riders to participate in more National and International events.  Meetings were also arranged so that Honda, BG and some of Chinabiggest Press/Media : CNTV, Moto8 … can also jointly worked together to promote the sport to a greater portion of population.

The Honda CBF-150 One made events has been one of the most successful single brand event in the China 2 wheels market, through the years, Honda and BG has provided hundreds and thousands of Motorcycle lovers and riders a chance to learn the proper manner to do motorcycling in many regions of China and a big numbers of new Club racing riders and Teams.


The next Round of the Chengdu S.W. Racing Festival has been moved to a new date of 5-7/Sept/2014 weekend, this will again be the BG operated SBK racing Championship Round 2, and with the big number of entries of the 1st Round, we’re looking forward to a even bigger event with more riders joining from other regions of China.

Big thank you to the Chengdu Circuit management for making this Honda event a big success and all the support and assistance.

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