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2016第十一届中国(黄山)宝马摩托车主联谊会2016 China BMW Motorrad 11th Anniversary at Huangshan

Over the 6-8/May/2016 weekend, China’s BMW Motorrad members club celebrated their 11th anniversary at the Scenic holiday resort at Huangshan, Anhui province. Despite the on-and-off weather there, the event still successfully attracted close to 1000 BMW riders and fans from close to  20 provinces and cities all over China.


车友不远千里来赴约Riders from afar made it to the gathering

现场人声鼎沸,好不热闹!What a day!


BG也趁着这个难得的机会,在聚会里拿了一个展厅展出了国内难得一见的古董宝马摩托车和所有适合宝马摩托车改装的零/配件, 人身装备等大量货品。BG北京和珠海的同事早在星期三便出发了,经过1400多公里的长途跋涉在其他车手到达之前就早到了黄山。
The BG Group,taking this rare opportunity, brought along a 1958 Vintage BMW R50 bike to display and also all the latest performance and safety accessories for bikes and riding gears. So from Wed on, BG’s Beijing and Zhuhai staffs have driven over 1400 km to meet up at Huangshan, way before the riders arriving at the scene.

在活动这个周末,天气一直不太好, 基本上都在下雨,所以这次到场的车友最后没有预期的那么多。
Over the Festival’s weekend, weather has not been good and it rained most of the time and this explained why not as many bikers were present as expected.


Quite a few of BMW’s National Dealerships were there and also other Motorcycle brands’ dealers were also present to show the BMW guys what other brands had to offer. 

在这3天, 很多车友走进BG的展厅参观。其中不少车友对BG展出的这台稀有的古董宝马摩托车表现出了非常浓厚的兴趣,大家纷纷拿出相机拍照留念。

Many biker came into BG’s display room and a lot of the bikers were extremely interested in the Vintage bike on show.

其他的车友对BG的高性能产品如Brembo刹车,Sprint空滤,Ohlins减震器,还有米其林Anakee III 给宝马大鸟和水鸟使用的轮胎都有极大的兴趣。
Others showed great interest in many performance parts such as Brembo brakes, Sprint filters, Ohlins suspensions, and of course the Michelin Anakee III tyres for the GS.

BG营运代表杨南也去拜访了所有摩托车的经销商,和他们建立了以后联系的渠道, 所有经销商对BG代理的产品都有很大兴趣,表示以后想专门为BG的产品在他们的4S店内设立一个展示区。BG运营团队将在活动结束后继续跟进此事。

BG’s operating officer Yang nan also visited all the bike dealers’ display rooms and had made contacts with all of them. All dealers were interested in setting up special performance areas in their showroom for all BG’s products, and our sales team will follow up after the event.



The Event ended on Sunday morning and most riders were packed and ready for the long trip home as some rode over 2000 km just to come to the event.


Despite the poor weather that stopped a lot of bikers to come to the event, BG has met with a lot of bikers, bike group and various bike dealerships. It was a truly successful trip and we’d like to thank the organizer of the event for their support and warm welcome. 


We’ll for sure see everyone at the 12th BMW Motorrad gathering in 2017 !!!


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