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来源:BG 发布时间:2007-05-03热度:
BG--2007上海Motogp垫赛通知及报名表下载 致BG会员及大中华地区摩托赛车手, 经过很长时间的申请,百通赛车运动推广有限公司最终获取了上海国际赛车场批核我们公司作为2007Motogp上海站垫...



致 BG会员及大中华地区摩托赛车手,

经过很长时间的申请, 百通赛车运动推广有限公司最终获取了上海国际赛车场批核我们公司作为2007Motogp上海站垫赛的运营单位。 

由于现距离上海Motogp大赛时间极为紧迫, 大量来自世界各地的摩托车及零件要由各地经香港转运到上海,故我们需在30/3/07之前收到车手参加此场赛事之申请表格,以便可早日淮备各项事情, 在3月30日後收到的申请表格, 将只可看所余参赛名额而作取决。 

左踏入2007年开始, 我们已收到许多来自世界各地特别是亚洲地区的参加此项赛事的申请,这足以证明上海Motogp 已开始迅速吸引到世界各地摩托车爱好者及车手的共同关注。 


1) 赛事报名费 :                         人民币:3000元每车 


3)珠海摩托车运输费用(从珠海赛车场 - 上海赛车场的来回费用) RMB 2200/车


4)有效赛车证         车手需持有有效的赛车证(需要援助车手请向BG查询) 

5) 赛车保险           约RMB 200-400/ 每车手 

A) 本次赛事将全程采用米其林轮胎,车手需在入场申请表上填写比赛所需轮胎数量。 

- 请另详细注明:轮胎尺寸, 材料 (中软/中) 

- 米其林将不提供尺寸为16.5的轮毂,此情况下车手允许使用其它品牌轮胎。

  若比赛时赛事总监定下为湿地赛事, 车辆未装全雨胎将不允许进行比赛 
 B)如同2005及2006年上海Motogp大赛, BG赛车推广有限公司将全力协助车手定

 购持价往返香港-上海机票以及宾馆,车手如欲知详情, 请发邮件往BG查询. 



如欲知更多详细, 可来电咨询:


Dear BG members and Riders,


After the longest time possible, we’d finally got the approval from the Shanghai Internationa Circuit (SIC)

to organize and Promote their 2007 China, Shanghai Motogp Supporting Event.


Due to the very limited time available and the amount of work needed to ship all the Bikes, parts and accessories

from allover the World to the shanghai Circuit, so we’ll need all the entries rec’d on’before 30/March/2007 inorder

to ensured that your entry will be guaranteed, any entry rec’d after this date will depends on the number of

Quota left.


In 2007, we have quite a few entries from many countries all over the world especially in other Asia regions, this has

proved that the Shanghai Motogp event has fast becoming a big attraction to many racers allover the world.


Due to we’d only just rec’d the approval, so we can only give you all a approx cost of participating in this events.


1) Event Entry Fee :                                                                        RMB 3000.00 per Bike


2) Shipping of Bike (from Hong Kong - Shanghai -Round Trip)              RMB 3500.00 per Bike

                         (limited accessories allowed - please call for approval)


3) Shipping of Bike (from ZIC - SIC / Round Trip)                                 RMB 2200.00 per bike

                         (Limited Accessories allowed - please call for approval)


4) Race License  : Riders are requested to have valid Race licenses. (call for assistance)


5) Race insurance                                                                           RMB 200-400 / rider  Approx


Other Particulars :


A) This event will be a 1 Made Tyre event, all tyres will be in Michelin,  Riders that’d like to enter this race is

    to fill in their entry form the number of tyres they need for this event.

         Michelin Slick and Dot Race (Power Race) will be at RMB 1900/set F/R  Slick : 120F / !8-65R   Power Race 120F / 180-190 R

    - Please specify : Tyre size and compound (M / MS)

    - Bikes with 16.5" Rim will not be supplied with Michelin tyres, these Bikes will be allowed to use their own Brand of tyres.

    - Riders are requested to order their own Full Rain tyres, as the organizer will NOT keep extra Rain tyres for riders.

          Riders that do not have rain tyres will not be allow to race if the Clerk of the Course ruled that the race is going to be a wet race.


B) As in 2005/2006 Shanghai Motogp, BG-Promotions will also be assisting Members to book special rate Air tickets and Hotels, please

     email or call for details,


Please fins attached here a 2007 SIC Motogp Supporting Race entry form, please kindly fill this in and send back to us as soon as possible.





Please call if you have any further queries : 


门店购买: 地址:  




电话联系下单:  0756-3394909

邮件联系下单:  E-mail:cn@bg-performance.com


